Pink Spiked Dog Collars

Spiked Dog Collars have come a long way since early homemade spiked collars. No longer just worn by big men with big Dogs who want to exude an attitude, spiked Dog collars are now being seen as an acceptable fashion accessory for all manner of Dogs. The pink spiked Dog collar is now one of the best selling and most popular of the many collars on the market. Adding a touch of flair to many Dogs they are a relatively cheap way of emphasising your Dogs beauty.

What are we looking for in a spiked leather Dog collar? Previously it would have been the meanest, toughest looking collar with spikes. This would be a spiked leather Dog collar that had viscous looking points and could do some serious harm to anyone who got too close. Things have changed and now they can be more of an accessory. They can be worn by the largest or the smallest of Dogs without been seen as nothing but provocation. Looking at he number of small Dog breeds that now wear pink spiked Dog collars we can see that they are becoming more acceptable as a fashion item and not just kept within the realm of owners with attitude.

Take some of the dangerous spiked collars for Dogs for example. These things are illegal, are often homemade and can cause significant damage. Modern pink spiked collars are very safe nowadays for the most part. The spikes or studs on pink spike collars are not overly sharp or large and will not hurt the owner or the Dog if touched. Dog owners still need to be careful though. If you go to grab your Dog too quickly the metal spikes could still cause some damage. Be careful and ensure the spikes on the Dog collar are neither too large or too sharp.

What are the best Pink Spiked Dog collars?

Well Imosh are one of the most popular brands and certainly have a very exceptional range of leather spiked Dog collars to choose from. From large black spiked leather Dog collars to small pink spiked Dog collars for the smallest of Dogs, Imosh certainly have a large selection to choose form.The images they have are of exceptional quality so we can easily see what kind of quality to expect from the Dog spike collars.

When choosing a collar, a good quality picture is invaluable as we can see what to expect and know that the quality will be good. A Dog spike collar made out of leather is the norm and is what should be purchased. This will ensure decent quality and longevity of the collar. There is no point purchasing a pink spiked Dog collar if the quality is low and it won't last. Pink spiked collars are now being produced in quantities so that all manner of Dogs, from Poodles to Staffs, can wear this designer Dog Collar with spikes.

The pink spiked Dog collar has gone a long way to stop the dog collar spikes as being seen as dangerous and intimidating. Pink takes away the violence that was inherent in the image of these collars. Custom spike Dog collars are also gaining in popularity. You can choose any design of pink spike Dog collar you wish. You can have it personalised so the spiky pink Dog collar can have the design and number of spikes that you wish. What would be your ideal?

A pink spiked Dog collar with a few rows of Studs and spikes is a popular choice and a custom design means you can even have the spike collar bearing your Dogs name. This type of personalised Spiked Dog collar is becoming much more popular amongst those that wish to spend a little money on their Dog.

When Should Your Dog Wear Its Pink Spiked Dog Collar?

A collar for your Dog with spikes is probably not best left on your Dog at all times. Much better to put the Spiked Dog collar on your Dog for special occasions. This will mean it will last a lot longer and wil mean it cannot cause any harm. A spike collar for Dogs, even a small breed, could still cause some damage. Apart from scratching furniture etc it can still be very rough if you grab your Dogs collar with any force. Even if it is small.

The color will also last better if the leather spiked Dog collar is not constantly worn. Colors always fade on leather and if you want it to look pristine then don't leave it on your Dog. That being said, if it is safe and does not cause any harm to your Dog then leave it on if you wish. Just be sure the pink leather spiked Dog collar cannot harm your Dogs paws. If scratching around their neck is a regular occurrence then it is best not to leave it on. The scratching of the spiked collar could harm your Dogs pads and paws if the spikes are in anyway sharp.

So where are you taking your Dog with its pink spiked Dog collar?

1 comment:

  1. wouldnt the spikes hurt if the collar came of of and the dog was carrying it of. You should also have reall big sizes because some dogs have fat necks and cant were collars. Then they could be put down if they were caught by a dog catcher and brought it to the pound.
    a loving dog owner
