A Spiked Dog Collar For All Occasions

There is a huge choice of spiked Dog collars available to us. From collars with large spikes to collars with small studs, whatever style we are looking for there is something suitable to all tastes. Many spiked Dog collars are bought for occasional wear by the Dog. They are to be worn only now and then, maybe just for outings or when we really want our pooch to look good. Quite often this is because it was a fairly expensive item and we don't want it to get ruined. However, it can also be because the Dog spike collar that we have purchased is just not comfortable enough to be worn for extended periods of time. This is probably because the spikes are too large or the actual collar is too thick.

Choosing a suitable spiked collar means that our Dog may be able to wear it whatever the occasion and for much longer periods of time. If you want to let your Dog keep its spiked collar on for much of the day then you need to make sure of a few things beforehand.

Ensure that the collar is not too fat. If it is too wide on your Dogs neck then it will be uncomfortable and may hinder your Dogs natural movements. Get a collar that is fairly slimline and your Dog will be happy wearing it for much longer periods of time.

Don't purchase a spiked Dog collar with large spikes. If you want to keep the spiked collar on your Dog for any length of time then the spikes must be small. Large spikes can catch on the Dogs paws when it scratches so make sure they are small. This will ensure the collar is safe for your Dog.

Make sure the leather is fairly soft. Some collars can be made from fairly hard leather. This is not comfortable for the Dog. Get a fairly soft leather collar and the Dog will happily wear it all day. You want it to be as comfortable as possible if your Dog is going to be looking good in its collar for extended periods of time.

These few simple pointers will help choose the best spiked Dog collar for your Dog. If it is safe and comfortable then it can wear it for much longer periods of time.


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